Ethereum: Compare strings in two lists of dicts : python-binance

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this using Python and the Binance API:

Ethereum: Compare strings in two lists of dicts : python-binance

Import necessary libraries

import binance

from binance.client import Client

Set your API credentials



Create a client instance with your API credentials

client = Client( api_key= API_KEY, api_secret= API_SECRET )

Define the function to compare strings in two lists of dicts

def compare_strings_in_lists(list1, list2):


Compare strings in two lists of dicts.


list1 (list): The first list of dictionaries.

list2 (list): The second list of dictionaries.


dict: A dictionary containing the comparison results.


Initialize an empty dictionary to store the comparison results

comparison_results = {}

Iterate over each item in list1 and list2

for item1 in list1:

for item2 in list2:

Compare the strings in both items

if str(item1["symbol"]).lower() == str(item2["symbol"]).lower():

If the strings are equal, add a "matched" key to the comparison results dictionary

comparison_results[str(item1["symbol"])] = {"item1": item1, "item2": item2}

Return the comparison results dictionary

return comparison_results

Define the lists of dictionaries for USDT and BUSD market books

usdt_market_books = [


"symbol": "USDT",

"price": 100.0,

"volume": 10.0



"symbol": "USDT",

"price": 120.0,

"volume": 5.0



"symbol": "BUSD",

"price": 50.0,

"volume": 20.0



busd_market_books = [


"symbol": "USDT",

"price": 100.0,

"volume": 10.0



"symbol": "BUSD",

"price": 50.0,

"volume": 15.0



Call the compare_strings_in_lists function with the lists of dictionaries for USDT and BUSD market books

comparison_results = compare_strings_in_lists(usdt_market_books, busd_market_books)

Print the comparison results dictionary

for currency, item1 in comparison_results.items():

print(f"{currency}: {item1['symbol']} - matched")

This code defines a function compare_strings_in_lists that takes two lists of dictionaries as input and returns a dictionary containing the comparison results. It iterates over each item in both lists, compares the strings in both items using string equality, and adds a “matched” key to the comparison results dictionary if the strings are equal.

The code then defines two lists of dictionaries for USDT and BUSD market books and calls the compare_strings_in_lists function with these lists. The resulting comparison results dictionary is printed to the console.

