Move Ballet Program Minters Authority to Agreement
In Solana, creating a mine or an emblem in the contract is only the first step. It is imperative that the program itself created the contract itself in order to truly control and manage the invented power, it is necessary to transfer the corresponding authority of the wallet. This ensures that harmful actors cannot utilize the program.
Why is authority transferred?
Before we immersed the solution, we will briefly discuss why it is necessary:
* Prevention of recovery : If the program is created and token and then transferred to another agreement, the attacker can manage the program and utilize his invented authority.
* Maintaining Management : The transfer authority ensures that the program remains under the control of the wallet owner, avoiding any attacks.
How to transfer contract agreement to a contract
To move the wallet authority to the Solana contract program, you must follow these steps:
Step 1: Create a new program in Solana
First, create a new program in the Sorana block chain using the ‘Sorana-Programpackage. This creates the program ID and account ID for each agreement.
NPX Sorana -Program Create Pat Programs/Your_Program_id
Step 2: Create an account module
Create an account module to determine how the wallet owner interacts with the program. In this case, we will define an activity issued by the minors when the account is believed.
Use the solan_ process :: {
Account_info :: {next_account_info, Accountinfo},
EntryPoint :: Program,
EntryPoint :: Program,
EntryPoint :: Programrror,
Use STD :: Collections :: HashMap;
PUP Struct MinnteraCount {
Pub’s authority:
Marks the program program {
Accounts type = (minteraCount,);
FN Program_id (& Self) -> & Self :: Programid {
// replace the identification of the actual program
Not implemented! ()
Async Fn EntryPoint (& mut Self, accounts: self :: accounts) -> Programlesult {
Be miters_accou = next_account_info (accounts [0] .Account_info.key) .ok_or (Programmeror :: Invalidargument) ?;
// Grants Minters Authority
Minters_accout.authority = som (“minters” .to_string ());
OK (())
Step 3: Update the program account number
Update the program's account code to include new accounts and the authority of recently granted minors.
Struct’s pub;
Mean your program {
PUB FN New () -> Self {
// replace with an individual tag
Not implemented! ()
PUB FN Program_id (& Self) -> & Self :: Programid {
Marks the program program {
Accounts type = (minteraCount,);
FN Program_id (& Self) -> & Self :: Programid {
// returns the account module program ID
Not implemented! ()
Async Fn EntryPoint (& mut Self, accounts: self :: accounts) -> Programlesult {
Be miters_accou = next_account_info (accounts [0] .Account_info.key) .ok_or (Programmer :: Invalidargument) ?;
Leave the authorities = accounts [1] .Account_info.valu ();
// Grants Minters Authority
Minters_accout.authority = som (authorities.to_string ());
OK (())
Step 4: Add the program to the Sorana Program Store
Add your new program to the Sorana program store using the 'Add_ process.
Use the solan_ process :: {
Account_info :: {next_account_info, Accountinfo},
EntryPoint :: Program,
EntryPoint :: Program Shop,
Pubkey :: Pubkey,
Use STD :: Collections :: HashMap;
Struct’s pub;
Mean your program {
PUB FN New () -> Self {
// replace with an individual tag
Not implemented!