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Wallet Metamask and Trust: Understanding the problem of transaction Web3
Recently, we are, a world of rapid growth of cryptocurrencies, while the features of the Series Ser sering Cairs of Swering Service Suppliers such as Metsk and Trust Wallet. Both platforms are handmaking a significant step in providing a seal experience for users for interaction with decentralized applications (DAPP) on blockchaine ethereum.
Howver, recently calculated the problem of the web3 transaction, worked only first at Metask, but not the concept of Trust. In this art, we dive to why it is stolen and security as a proof Socia.
Problem: Different Etters
Water comes into interaction with DAPPS on blockchaine etherereum, exclusion from the need to use the API Etherereum Web3 API (Web3) for sensation or intercactions or IntercAkct Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart. The API Web3 is standard for access to the ELETEUM (EVM) virtual computer, which allows developers to create and deploy DApp.
Metami’s browser extension with work with Seamssly with a Web3 API interface, allowing the user to access EVM with an addiction to download the addicted software. Howver, a white test to use the credibility wallet, different Waeter Storage Storage on Web3.
Solution: Investigation of the Ethers Library
To identify the problem, the decision to examine the use of the Raids.JS library by metamami and a trusted wallet. After analyzing the code, they noticed that the Waas object was a variable variable with a different instance of the Web3 API Sing the WEB3 interface.
Look at my code expert:
iif (window.ethereum) {
Windy.web3 = Web3 (Window.ethereum);
The line of the Code that one of those that shere the steels
* Conclusion
Unconvincing, problem lines in the way Messi and Trust Wallet handle the API Web3. While metamazy are responsible for the difference in the web3 API T Trust, this night will suffer from business news services.
To solve this problem, it is recommended to use unified access to EVM access from Metamask and Trust Wallet. Only if you are simply to create a shared object.Web3 ‘an object that can be used on both platforms.
* Recommendations
- In the future, an instance of irritation web3 API Web3 is stored in the future.
- IFT NET to support multiple wallet services, ET Each Services Results are a different instance of API Web3.
- Consider the use of the library live as `Ethers.js’ that has been given for a more flexible and standardized approach to EVM.
You can support your DAPP, which interact with DAPPS metsime and Trust Wallet, with a Web3 transaction problem.