Bitcoin: What happens if additional BTC is sent to a source address after setting a specific transaction output?

Understanding the output of transactions and addresses of source

When sending a crypto currency such as Bitcoin (BTC), it is important to understand the concepts of editions of transactions and sources addresses. In this article, we are dealing with what happens when the additional bitcoin is sent to the address of the source after installing a particular output of the transaction.

The transaction is coming out

In Bitcoin, each transaction contains several outputs that are basically “editions” or “costs” for different recipients. The outcome of the transaction consists of the following components:

  • Exit Index : A clear identifier identified by the exit.

  • Signature of Scripture : a digital signature that checks the authenticity and authenticity of the output.

  • Script : The actual code from which the exit consists of, indicating how much output value of each recipient or address is allocated.

original addresses

The source address is a clear identifier used in Bitcoin transactions to indicate where to send funds. If you send a crypt off the currency from one wallet to another, it is common for several toilets to share the same source address. In this way, users can consolidate their funds into different accounts without transferring them manually.

An additional BTC sent to the Source address

Let’s visit our example with 3 addresses and a certain result of transaction:

* Objective (Source) Address : 0,1mvtbyf2p3B9G4J4C6C2X5VQDZ7UXG

* initial edition of transaction


+ Signature Script:304A01E56D00CFCBE8D078DD2E8C454B64A9DF53F1CF6BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBD9

+ Script:0x … (encrypted script code)

* First Edition Value : 1 BTC

An additional BTC sent to the Source address

To submit an additional bitcoin (2BTC) to a destination address, you would:

  • Open a new transaction output in your wallet.

  • Place the output index so that it corresponds to the initial initial index.

  • Add a script signature and encrypted script code for this specific exit.

In this example, additional2BTC of the same source address (0.1mvtbyf2p3B9G4J4C6C2X5VQDZ7UXG ‘would be assigned without creating a new transaction or using the existing one.

Processing and review

If you create a transaction with an additional bitcoin sent to the source address, your background software must process and check the transaction. The wallet is:

  • Check the scripting signature: Make sure the output is properly signed from the sender.

  • Check the script code: Make sure the encrypted script code is valid and fits the expected format.

  • Update transaction output values: increase the initial value for the destination address (`0,1mvtbyf2p3B9G4J4C2X5VQDZ7UXG ‘).


Bitcoin: What happens if additional BTC is sent to a source address after setting a specific transaction output?

In short, it can be said that when sending an additional bitcoin, it is important for the address of the source after the placement of a particular output of the transaction, as the wallet software processes and proven transactions. If you follow these steps, you can be sure that your cryptocurrency funds are properly assigned and consolidated through several wallets.

Keep in mind that this article offers a fundamental understanding of bitcoin concepts and is not intended as an investment advice or guidelines. Always explore experts and consult with experts before making significant financial decisions in the field of cryptocurrency.
