Solana: Getting the bonding curve progrress percentage

I can provide you with an article on the Pump.Fun Token Commitment Curve Progress Rate on Solana.

Introduction is a liquidity pool token on the Solana blockchain that aims to create a decentralized marketplace for lending and borrowing assets. The token has gained significant popularity among traders, investors, and liquidity providers due to its potential for high returns. In this article, we will explore how to get the Pump.Fun Token Commitment Curve Progress Rate.

Getting the Commitment Curve Progress Rate

The Commitment Curve is a key metric for evaluating the performance of a Solana liquidity pool. It represents the change in the token price over time due to inflows and outflows from the pool. To calculate the progress percentage of the bonding curve, you can use the following API endpoints:

1. GET /liquidity/{liquidityAddress}/bondingCurve/progress

This endpoint returns the progress of the bonding curve for a specific liquidity address.

GET BondingCurve/progress?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&tokenAddress=Pump.Fun Token Address&liquidityAddress=Pump.Fun Token Liquidity Address

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Solana API key and Pump.Fun Token Address with the address of your Pump.Fun token.

2. PUBLISH /liquidity/{liquidityAddress}/bondingCurve/progress

This endpoint allows you to update the progress percentage of the bonding curve for a specific liquidity address.

PUBLISH BondingCurve/progress?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&tokenAddress=Pump.Fun Token Address&liquidityAddress=Pump.Fun Token Liquidity Address&newProgress=0.05

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Solana API key and Pump.Fun Token Address with the Pump.Fun token address.

3. GET /liquidity/{liquidityAddress}/bondingCurve/progress?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&tokenAddress=Pump.Fun Token Address

This endpoint returns a paginated response for all Solana liquidity addresses.

GET Token Address&page=1&limit=100

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Solana API key and Pump.Fun Token Address with the Pump.Fun token address.

Example Use Cases

Solana: Getting the bonding curve progrress percentage

You can use these APIs to monitor the progress percentage of the bonding curve for different liquidity addresses. Here is an example of how you can update the progress percentage of the bonding curve:

PUT BondingCurve/progress?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&tokenAddress=Pump.Fun Token Address&liquidityAddress=Pump.Fun Token Liquidity Address&newProgress=0.05

API Documentation

Please note that API endpoints and parameters may change over time, so it is important to check the official Solana API documentation for the most up-to-date information.

Finally, you can use the provided APIs to get the progress percentage of the Solana Pump.Fun Token bonding curve. This metric is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of a liquidity pool and making informed decisions about its operations.

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