Ethereum: WebSocket Get Futures Realtime Price Binance

Getting Real-Time Bitcoin Futures Prices on Binance via WebSocket

As a trader or investor, access to real-time prices is essential for making informed decisions. In this article, we will explore how to set up a real-time WebSocket connection to the BTCUSDT spot and futures market on Binance.


Before you begin, make sure that:

  • You have a Binance API key or access token.
  • Your trading account is verified and connected to your Binance account.
  • You have installed the “pandas” library in your Python environment (install using “pip install pandas”).

Setting up a Real-Time WebSocket Connection to the Spot Market

To connect to the Bitcoin (BTC) spot market on Binance, you need to use the “klines_1m” endpoint and specify the “futures” indicator. Here is an example code snippet:

import pandas as pd

Ethereum: WebSocket Get Futures Realtime Price Binance

Set your API key or access token

api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET'

Connect to the Binance API

client = binary. Client(api_id=api_key, api_key_secret=api_secret)

Set up WebSocket endpoint and channel (spot market)

ws_endpoint = f"wss://"

channel = "BTCUSDT"

Initialize an empty DataFrame to hold the data

df = pd.DataFrame()

while true:

Get new lines from the WebSocket connection

response = client.get_channel(ws_endpoint, channel)

Iterate over each line (1 minute interval)

to the line in the response:

Extract relevant data (e.g. timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume)

date = {

'timestamp': pd.to_datetime(line['t']),

'open': float(line['o']),

'high': float(line['h']),

'low': float(line['l']),

'close': float(line['c']),

'volume': float(line['v'])


Append data to DataFrame

df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(data)], ignore_index = True)

Check for new data points

if not df.empty:

Print live prices (optional)

print(f"Live BTCUSDT price: {df['close'].max()}")

Update your trading logic or notification mechanisms here

Exit the loop when you are ready to stop listening


Close the WebSocket connection when you are done


Getting Live Price for BTCUSDT Futures

To connect to the Futures Market (FUT) on Binance, you need to use endpoint kline_1m and the futures indicator must be specified. Here is an example code snippet:

“` python

… same as above

while true:

Get new lines from WebSocket connection

response = client.get_channel(ws_endpoint, channel)

Iterate over each line (1 minute interval)

for response line:

Extract relevant data (e.g. timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume)

date = {

‘timestamp’: pd.to_datetime(line[‘t’]),

‘open’: float(line[‘o’]),

‘high’: float(line[‘h’]),

‘low’: float(line[‘l’]),

‘close’: float(line[‘c’]),

‘volume’: float(line[‘v’])


Append data to DataFrame

df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(data)], ignore_index = True)

Check for new data points

if not df.empty:

Print real-time prices (optional)

print(f”Real-time BTCUSDT futures price: {df[‘close’].max()}”)

Update your trading logic or notification mechanisms here

Exit the loop when you are ready to stop listening


Close the WebSocket connection when you are finished


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