Solana: Check if a token dexscreener is paid on chain

cocking if a token pays dex screener on chain: a solutions for high-volume use cases

As a solana developer, you’re likes no stranger to them fast-paced world off-paceds in exchanges (Dexs) and liquidity. However, when it comes to the verifying when a token pays dex screeners in real-time, the situation can be exe. In this article, we’ll explore the limitations of the Tradsional API and provide an intellectual property in the high-volume use case.

The Traditional API Approach

Whensing the dex screener API provided by Solana, you are limited to 1 request per sequence (REQ/S). This means that if you need to perform multiply checks in a short period, you’ll benble to do so many allotted time frame. This limitation makes it chalnging for the high-volume use cashes, the soul frequent token prize fluctions or large-scale trading activity.

The Solution: Using Solana ‘Built-in Events

A better solution to Belverage Solana’s Fire-in Events Feature. Specifically, the Solana-Slip Library Provids an API that allows you to list the dex screener event on the on-chain. This approach in the enabs you to receive real-time upheavals on the token prize and liquidity of relying relying on the Tradder API.

Example Code: Listing A Token With Solan

Solana: Check if a token dexscreener is paid on chain

To demonstrate how to be Solan-Slip, let’s crate a separate that lists a token surgery the dex screener API:


npm Install Solana Slip

// Create a New Slack Client Instance

Const slack = Require ('slack');

Const {Client} = Require ('Slack');

// Set Up Your Slack Creditials

const slacktoken = 'Your-slack token';

Const slackchannel = 'Your-channel name';

// Interial the Slack Client Instance

const slackclient = new client ({token: slacktoken});

async function listtoken () {

// List A Token Using Dex Screener API

const dexscreenerurl = '

Const txhash = await getdexscreenertxhash (dexscreenerurl);

// Get the latest

Const Latestprice = Await GetLateprice (Token, Txhash);

// Send A Slack Mass for the Latest Price

const slackmessage = {

Chhannel: SlackChannel,

Text:The Current Prize Off $ {token} is: $$ {Lattprice},


// Post- Massage.

Await slackclient.postmessage (slackmessage);


listtoken ();

In this example, wecreate a new slack clien instance and use you will not be token the dex screener API. We’re receiving real-time upheavals.

beater off using Solan’s built-in events

The benefits off using Solan-Slip Include:

  • High-Avalility: Receive uploads in real-time, evening the API is down or slow.

  • Scalabity: Performe Multiply Checks with the Relying on Traduitional API.

  • Flexibility: Customable Events in the Tailored Use Casees.

Integration, while the dex screener's provides provider provider solan of Solan's Dex Ecosystem, it has been limitations in comes to high-volume use boxes. By readily Solana's Build-in Event ThruoughSolana-Slip, you can benign prize uploads and flexibles in the listing relying on the Tradunal API.

Next steps

To take your solution to be a new level, consider of exploring others and tools that provide

  • Solane-Liquidity-Pro Provider

  • Dex logger

  • Solana api

By combining these solutions with Solan-Slip, you’ll be to build high-performance, on-chain dex soulations that meet the demands off the marks.

